Have you taken out a student loan and are unsure whether you can declare it on your tax return? We explain what you can deduct and how you can enter the costs in the Taxfix app.
Can I deduct the repayments on my loan?
Usually, the repayment instalments for the student loan are due after you have completed your studies and started your first job. These are repayments of the loan you previously received. Therefore, you cannot deduct these repayments from your taxes.
Can I claim the interest on my student loan?
In contrast to the instalments, you can include the interest on your loan in your tax return - either as income-related expenses or as special expenses.
If you took out a loan to finance your first degree, you can deduct the interest as special expenses.
Otherwise, the interest can be claimed as income-related expenses.
How can I declare the interest on the education loan in the Taxfix app?
With a first degree loan, e.g. for a Bachelor
If the loan financed your first degree, you can claim the interest as special expenses.
- To do this, first indicate in the category "About you" that you have studied - even if this was no longer the case in the tax year.
- Then enter the interest paid in the tax year in the "Education & studies" category for the question about the total cost of tuition fees
Loan for further studies, e.g. for a Master:
In this case, you can enter the interest for your student loan in our app in the "Work" category. It will then be taken into account as income-related expenses.
Remember: for the category " Job" to appear, you must select the option "Employed" in the "About you" section.
For the question regarding the costs for the work, simply select the appropriate option, i.e. "Interest for student loan".