At Taxfix, your registered email address is very important!
If you have a request and would like to contact our support team, it is important that you write to us using the email address at Taxfix. This is the email address that you entered in your Taxfix account when you registered.
This is the only way we have access to your account and can provide you with the best possible support.
Please therefore send us your messages from the email address with which you are registered with us.
Can I simply share the email address I have registered with Taxfix?
If you write to us from a different e-mail address that is not stored in your Taxfix account, we will not be able to assign you to a user account.
For data protection reasons, it is also not sufficient to simply give us your registered e-mail address in a message.
How do I find out which e-mail address I have registered with Taxfix?
It's very easy! Open the app and click on the account icon 👤 in the top right-hand corner. Under the heading "My account" you can see which email address you have saved in your Taxfix account.